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Registrar's Decision

Registrar’s Decision 18-06-003

File Number: 18-06-003

In the matter of Motor Dealer Act R.S.B.C. 1996 C. 316
and Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act. S.B.C. 2004 C.2

Complainant: Vehicle Sales Authority of BC

Licensee/Unlicensed person:
N.W. Auto Depot, Ltd. (#10578), Westminster Motors (#40469), Gordon Valente (#101221)


  • The VSA requested a preliminary hearing, seeking an interim suspension of the dealer registrations and salesperson licence of N.W. Auto Depot, Ltd., Westminster Motors, and Gordon Valente, and alleging that their continued operation posed a substantial risk to the public interest.
  • N.W. Auto Depot, Ltd., Westminster Motors, and Gordon Valente denied the allegation that their continued operation posed a substantial risk to the public interest.


  • The Registrar found that there was insufficient evidence that the continuing operation of N.W. Auto Depot, Ltd., Westminster Motors, and Gordon Valente posed a risk to the public interest substantial enough to warrant an interim suspension of the dealers’ registrations and salesperson’s licence. The Registrar provided directions to N.W. Auto Depot, Ltd., Westminster Motors, and Gordon Valente, reinforced the conditions that were placed on their registrations to protect consumers, and directed the staff of the Authority to conduct a follow-up inspection of the dealers to ensure they were complying with the conditions placed on their registrations.
  • The Registrar adjourned the hearing sine die.