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Salespeople/Broker Reps

Licence Category

Licence fee$277.00

Wholesaler Licensing Fee Schedule

Include the appropriate fees when submitting a Wholesaler Licence Application – Form 4. If you are interested in becoming a licensed wholesaler, please contact VSA Licensing at 604-575-7253 or for more information and/or to obtain an application. The VSA will determine if a wholesaler licence is needed.

Additional Assessments

Application fee$205.00
Wholesaler course fee$277.00

Application for Renewal


Additional Renewal Fees

Late Fees – charged on all renewals received by VSA after the licence expiry date.Β 
Fees for late renewal$210.00

Miscellaneous Fees

Reinstatement of a Wholesaler License$165.00
Change Fee – for change of Business Name or legal name change$158.00 /change (submit Form 4b with payment)
Change Fee – for any change of Shareholders, Directors, or Officers$158.00 /change (submit Form 4b with payment)

There will be a $ 40.00 service charge for any N.S.F. cheques.

All VSA licence fees are non-refundable and cannot be waived. Licences are not transferable.

Please make cheques payable to the Vehicle Sales Authority of BC.