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Registrar's Decision

Registrar’s Decision 16-04-002

File Number: 16-04-002

In the matter of THE MOTOR DEALER ACT R.S.B.C. 1996 C.316

Complainant: Vehicle Sales Authority

Licensee/Unlicensed person:

Thomas Van Vu (Proposed Salesperson Licence #204585)


  • A Hearing was called to review the salesperson licence application of Thomas Van Vu who was convicted of theft under and assault on September 8, 2015, and as a result was sentenced 60 days incarceration and one year probation with conditions until September, 2016.


  • The Registrar considered whether Mr. Vu’s conduct indicated that there had been rehabilitation, remorse, acceptance of past conduct, restitution and/or positive steps taken to address any aggravating factors and applied Re: Peter Fryer (Registrar of Motor Dealers, Hearing File 13-11-005, December 13, 2013), affirmed by Fryer v. Motor Vehicle Sales Authority of B.C. 2015 BCSC 279 (BC Supreme Court).
  • The Registrar was satisfied that, unlike Peter Fryer, Mr. Vu showed remorse and acceptance of past conduct and was working on rehabilitation and improvement.
  • The Registrar had two concerns:
  1. Mr. Vu had not been offered any employment; and
  2. Mr. Vu had not yet finished the conditions of his probation order which would rebuild trust in him.
  • The Registrar chose to grant Mr. Vu a conditional salesperson licence after receipt of an offer of employment by a dealership and that the following conditions be added to his licence. Mr. Vu is:
  1. To advise any prospective employer of these conditions;
  2. To not handle consumer money;
  3. To not be in a management position without prior approval of the VSA;
  4. To abide by the probation order;
  5. To advise the VSA of any breaches of probation order or any other court proceedings criminal or civil;
  6. To advise the VSA when all conditions of probation order have been fulfilled with supporting documents;
  7. To fulfill all requirements for licensing; and
  8. To abide by all laws and rules applicable to a salesperson within the motor dealer industry.
  • The conditions would be reviewed after September 9, 2016, when Mr. Vu’s probation order ends.