Registrar's Decision

Registrar's Decision

In the matter of THE MOTOR DEALER ACT R.S.B.C.1996 C.316 and THE BUSINESS PRACTICES AND CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT S.B.C. 2004 c.2 Complainant: Registrar of Motor Dealers Licensee/Unlicensed person: BC TRUCK AND AUTO SALES AND SHABANA MEHNAZ Issues:
  • Dealership was called to a hearing for infractions under section 3 of the Motor Dealer Act and Salesperson Licensing Regulation, section 3(1)(a)(vi) of the Motor Dealer Act and Section 3 of the Motor Dealer Act and Section 6 of the Motor Dealer Regulation.
  • Salesperson was called to a hearing for infractions under section 5(1) of the BPCPA S.B.C. 2004 c.2
  • Both dealership and salesperson licences have been suspended.
  • New hearing date to be scheduled.