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About us

Policies & Procedures

The VSA is required to disclose policies, information and records of importance to the public. It is also required to act in accordance with the principles of natural justice and administrative fairness.

VSA Service, Natural Justice, and Procedural Fairness Concerns

Service Complaint:โ€ฏ
If you disagree with a formal decision of the VSA, you must follow the process established by law to have that decision reviewed. You should have received information on how to do that in a closing communication from the VSA. If you have not received that information, please request one from the VSA employee you were last dealing with or ask to speak to their manager.

If a VSA staff member has been unprofessional, not responded to you in a timely manner, you donโ€™t believe they followed VSAโ€™s processes and procedures, or they have not acted fairly with you, you are encouraged to contact the appropriate department and ask to speak with the employeeโ€™s manager. You may also file a service complaint. The outcome of a service complaint is to make VSAโ€™s processes and customer service better. A service complaint will not result in changing a formal decision.

The information needed and the process of filing a service complaint are in this document. You can send your written service complaint by email to complaints.officer@vsabc.caIf you donโ€™t want to use the form in the linked process document, you can instead email us about your concerns and provide any records you would like us to review. 

Concerns About Natural Justice and Procedural Fairness:โ€ฏ
If you believe the VSA did not act in accordance with the principles of natural justice and administrative fairness, you may contact theโ€ฏOffice of the Ombudsperson.

Privacy and Freedom of Information

The VSA is governed by theโ€ฏFreedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Actโ€ฏor FIPPA. As a result, the VSA is required to proactively disclose information and records of importance to the public. VSA compliance activities and theโ€ฏMotor Dealer Customer Compensation Fund Boardโ€ฏdecisions are all available for public review. However, if you believe your privacy has been violated by the VSA, you may contact theโ€ฏ Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner. Theโ€ฏVSA privacy policyโ€ฏis also available for review.