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VSA by the Numbers

VSA by the numbers

Updated quarterly

In Quarter 1 of FY 24/25 (April 1 to June 30, 2024), we dealt with 1,241 consumer enquiries, complaints, and claims.

Licensed Businesses

1690Motor Dealers
1414Wholesalers (dealers and independents)
8Broker Agents

Licensed Individuals

9009Licensed Salespeople (with employment)
4Broker Agent Representatives

Vetted Individuals

216Wholesaler Representatives

Licensees Inspections

258Completed Inspections
84%Average Inspection Pass Rate

Formal Consumer Complaints

339Received Consumer Complaints
291Closed Consumer Complaints

Compensation Fund Claims

5Received Claims
0Approved Claims
0Denied Claims
$0Payout to Consumers from the Compensation Fund

Completed Investigations

169Investigations for consumer complaints and claims
5VSA-generated investigations

Curber* investigations

(*Curber – a private seller in the business of selling vehicles without a license)

Compliance & Enforcement Actions

183 Education
46 Verbal Warnings
4 Written Warnings
1 Undertakings
1 Registrar’s Decisions
4 Conditions on License
$0 Administrative Penalties