Salespeople > Salesperson Resources > Bulletins & Alerts > January 5 β Consultative Communication: Fee Increase
Please see the Fee Review Consultative Communication below.
All feedback should be sent to:
We are undertaking a fee review for all our licensees. Over the past year, we have embarked on several projects which will provide the industry with:
At this time, we are preparing a fee schedule for implementation with the start of the 2023/2024 fiscal year in April. As part of the process, we are providing you with an opportunity for feedback. We will make a final decision on the actual implementation of increases within 30 days. As always, we work with government, industry, and consumers to provide the best possible ways to provide fair and prompt service within our regulatory model while balancing associated costs to license and regulate your sector.
Our authority to set fees and our mandate to recover costs
The Motor Dealer Act gives us the legal authority to set fees to fund our operations. The government has tasked us with regulating and licensing the motor dealer industry and, we have authority to set licensing fees and other charges to cover the costs in doing so. Before we increase fees, we are required to consult with you, and give you 30 days’ notice prior to changing or introducing fee changes.
We are in the process of setting your licensing fees for 2023/2024. Following a review of our costs and forecasted revenues, we are proposing to change some of our fees. To sustain and improve the oversight of the motor dealer industry and recover costs, we are giving you the opportunity to provide feedback on the following proposed fee increases and other fee changes.
The proposed fee increases are outlined in the attached fee schedule: Appendix 1.
This consultation document provides information about the proposed fee changes and is an opportunity for you to provide feedback. To provide feedback, please click on the link:
The deadline to provide feedback is Friday, February 9, 2023.
Once the feedback timeframe has closed and feedback has been assessed, we will provide notice prior to any fee changes.